...which is good, I love when my son and daughter is home with me. No school and kindergarten today and my husband is home too.
The kids woke up early this morning and my husband let me sleep a bit longer, which was really nice of him. I am always going to bed late, because I am updating my shops, after my kids and my husband gone to bed.
This morning, while I was having my coffee, I was reading a Waitrose newspaper (I've picked up in Bluewater, England), and I found this article of Harry Hill. I love him so much, he is such a funny guy, and even love him more after reading this article of him. And because I don't feel like to make any flowers today, I decided to make some fresh cookies.

I checked the cupboard, and I had the right amount of peanuts, so I was asking my little daughter if she want to help me to make the cookies...the answer was "YESSS!!"
Gigi was helping measuring out the ingredients and my husband was stirring the mixture...my son Edward was getting ready to eat them :)
The cookies turned out absolutely delicious, thank you Waitrose and Harry for the recipe!
Soon lunch time come, and we bought a lovely fresh asparagus in my supermarket last Wednesday. I wanted to steam them up with butter and have them on bread rolls. But I felt like try something new today, so I Googled an easy recipes up and I found this "Prosciutto wrapped asparagus" and I thought I will try them with bacon and some soft cheese, as I only had them in my fridge.
I wrapped the bacon with some some cheese around the asparagus
and warmed up some ready made bread rolls in the oven while I fried the asparagus in the grill frying pan.
My husband, the kids and me loved our lunch and I will make some for dinner too, but this time I will make some roasted potatoes with it.
Here is the recipe for the peanut cookies.